
NiCHE: Network in Canadian History & Environment / Nouvelle initiative canadienne en histoire de l’environnement is a Canadian-based confederation of researchers and educators who work at the intersection of nature and history. We explore the historical context of environmental matters and communicate our findings to researchers, policymakers, and the public.

The Network in Canadian History and Environment (NiCHE) is a volunteer-led, not-for-profit public history organization dedicated to the dissemination of environmental history research in Canada and building a network of researchers. We make a blogbook reviewsnews & announcementsa monthly newslettera podcastvideosa peer-reviewed journalteaching/research resourcesresearch project websites, and more.

This is a fundraising merchandise store for NiCHE. Each purchase is a donation to NiCHE that helps us with maintaining our ongoing work and prices are set accordingly. Your purchase helps us to:

  • Pay our digital strategist/social media manager
  • Offer small honoraria to contributors who are junior scholars, graduate students, and precariously employed
  • Support graduate student travel to the Canadian History & Environment Summer School and other conferences
  • Maintain our website

If you like what we do, consider becoming a supporter today by making a direct donation or a purchase in our shop.